Artillerie colonel photo

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Artillerie colonel photo

OdgovorNapisal/-a jtarant196 » 14.08.2023 21:09:19

Hello everybody,
I would like to ask, do exist some other informations about this photo, like date, place etc.? Or do you know where this photo came from? I am historian and I wrote my bacelor thesis (can be found on-line) about Austro-Hungarian artillery colonel and I suspect that he could be on this photo.

I started searching on Reddit, where I found a mate who recommended me this forum. With hopes I am posting the photo and all informations I know yet.

Thank you very much for answering.

J. Tarant

Yet known info:
1. Austro-hungarian artillery position with Škoda 7.5 cm mountain cannon (Skoda 7,5 cm M.15 Gebirgskanone)

2. If my theory is right, the left standing man could be Austro-Hungarian artillery colonel Johann Benesch Edler von Janovbor, somewhere around Isonzo/Risano in the second half of 1916 or 1917. But as I said, it is only theory based on physical resemblance. I have a colection of colonel´s photo (approx. 20) but from field location during WW1 are only 2 photos and only 1 in winter condition. Sadly.

3. informations about colonel Johann Benes Edler von Janovbor (born 1850):

12.4. 1916 - 16.4. 1916 - in command of Feldhaubitz regiment No. 9 (not sure what part exactly, but in this case there were no added informations, specifications, so it is probably meant to be command of whole regiment)

16.4. 1916 - 26.5. 1916 - artillerie kommandant in Görz, I.D. 58 (58 Infanterie Division?)

18.7. 1916 - 6.9. 1916 - transfering to Žirovnica, Železniki

6.9. 1916 - 10.11. 1917 - 2. Staabsoffizier bei Zentral-Artillerie depot der Isonzo Armee

10.11.1917 - 4.1. 1918 - Kommandant der Artillerie xxx Kisa II.

Documents have a stamp of "K.u.K. Heeres-Grp.Komdo FM v Boroevic, Art. Beute Sektion"

And it is all for now. I'm working on transcriptions of these records in my free time, but it is a bit difficult due age of author (approx. 65 years old colonel) and his bad habit combining writing letters in "kurrent" and "newgothic". When I make some new progress in reading archive documents, I will add them there.

Once again I thank you for all opinions, comments and informations that might help me clarify his story.
Prispevkov: 2
Pridružen: 04.08.2023 13:54:55

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